Cities and living environments

The Iris Chervet Studio combines architecture, urban planning and landscape in a transdisciplinary approach which prioritises natural environments over structuring the built environment.

What’s at stake is re-establishing the fundamental relationship between people and their territory by designing “inhabited environments”. By interweaving scales – from large territorial areas to the final details – it is possible to question whether it is necessary to build at all, and to imagine a symbiotic relationship between cities and landscapes. The studio draws on geography as the cornerstone of urban planning, allowing us to envision territorial transformation in the light of current and future climate change.

© Antoine Séguin

architect and landscape designer
project director

architect and engineer
project manager

architect and urban planner
project assistant

architect and urban planner
project manager

architect and urban planner
project manager

Marianne ESTRADE
project assistant

administrative and financial management

Depuis 2018

Amaury BECH — Architect and urban planner
Julie MAILLARD — Urban planner and landscape architect
Philippe BENOIT — Architecte
Ernest BLANCH — Architect and urban planner
Thanh-Thao LÊ  ― Architect
Wendy BOCHARD ― Architect
Laura HENAULT ― Architect
Marine SALADIN ― Architect



Architect and landscape designer Iris Chervet – a three-time winner of the Europan competition – began her practice working on urban and landscape projects on major coastal sites.

In 2018 she set up the Iris Chervet Studio and was selected the following year to participate in the architectural incubator Échelle Un. She simultaneously joined La Résidence de l’Eau, an experimental research programme that aimed to improve the resilience of Parisian public space and become involved in implementing the city’s Climate Plan.

Iris Chervet teaches urban design at ENSA Paris-Val de Seine, and occasionally lectures and sits on selection committees in other schools.

© Antoine Séguin
© Antoine Séguin


Winner, AJAP 2023 — Young Architects and Landscape Albums
Winner, EUROPAN 17 “Living Cities” – Grenoble (FR) – 2023
Winner, EUROPAN 15 “Productive Cities” – Saint-Omer (FR) – 2019
Winner, EUROPAN 13 “The Adaptable City” – Saint-Brieuc (FR) – 2015
Winner, International Coastal Development Competition – Ostend (BE) – 2016


IDEAT Living in landscapes — Architecture special n°28 — 04.20244
Libération Opinion piece on climate change: “There is no relevant governance mechanism for adaptation projects” – POPSU – 03.2024
Europan 17 Villes vivantes 2 — Catalogue of Results — 2024
Europan 15 Productive Cities 2 – Catalogue of Results – FR – 2020
AMC Europan 15: Hydro-productive parks, winning project in Saint-Omer – 01.2020
Urbanisme Special Issue n°60 – Europan, an adventure to follow – 06.2017
Europan 13 Adaptable Cities 2 – Catalogue of Results – FR – 2016
Traits urbains Europan – Emerging urbanities – 10.2016
AMC Europan 13: Landscape focus, winning project in Saint-Brieuc – 01.2016


  • International competition “Colentina Lakes”, member of jury — Bucarest (RO) — 09.2024
  • Workshop “Toward 2050 : future Bangkok for a resilient and livable city” — Bangkok (THA), UDDC + AFD — 06.2024
  • Workshop “The Hammam-Lif lesson” — Hammam-Lif (TU), Institut français de Tunisie — 05.2024
  • International Forums Europan — Badajoz (ES) 2016, Bruxelles (BE) 2018, Clermont-Ferrand (FR) 2022, Madrid (ES) 2024
  • Workshop “Franges ville/campagne en Extremadure” — Olivenza (ES) — 2016



  • A plea for public space — closing plenary with Michel Desvignes and Franck Boutte (Grands Prix de l’Urbanisme 2011 et 2022) — Meeting of the National Federation of Urban planning Agencies (FNAU) — 10.2024
  • Erosion and architecture, Round table, Ordre des Architectes — Lacanau — 09.2024
  • Resiliency of coastal territories — Association Architects and Major Risks — 06.2024
  • Three urban resilient projects developed with flood vulnerability — Bangkok, AFD South-East Asia — 06.2024
  • Is public space still a common good ? — Round-table Archinov — 04.2024
  • New territorial stories on large landscape sites — Round-table Europan 17 — Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine — 03.2024
  • Water in the enhancement of public spaces — Sites & Cités remarquables de France — 12.2023
  • Cool towns : a bioclimatic station district in Saint-Omer — Ostende (BE), INTERREG program — 10.2022
  • Fields and scales : transversality at the centre of a professional practice — ENSAPLV, HMONP — 2022
  • The place of water in urban planning — Archinov — 2021
  • Living and thinking about water in territorial contexts : what kind of governance can help us think about landscapes in movement ? — Saint-Omer — 2021
  • Inhabited environments and public spaces — ESA — 28.09.2020
  • Metabolism and scales : the relationship between public space and territorial context — ESA — 01.10.2019
  • Dreaming up your city : an exchange between Alice Zeniter, writer, and Iris Chervet — Café de l’Architecture n°26 — Théâtre La Passerelle, Saint-Brieuc — 01.12.2018
  • Connecting through open spaces — Europan Forum 14-15 — BOZAR, Brussels — 16.11.2018
  • Landscape(s) in urban projects — ENSA Paris Val de Seine — 18.11.2016
  • What intermediate spaces ? — Europan Forum 13-14 — Congress Centre, Badajoz — 14.10.2016
  • The adaptable city – Carte blanche Archinov — SMABTP — 12.04.2016
  • Europan 13 – Saint-Brieuc, From land to sea — Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine — 17.02.2016
© Najwa Hakiri