
Museum of the Book

  • uses

Contracting authority : Ville de Colmar

Mission : Requalification-extension of the Dominican Convent into a book museum, expert research library and bookbinding workshop

Area : 4500 m2

Cost : 9,5 M€ HT

Calendar : 2016-2021

Team : Iris Chervet project manager, Ameller Dubois architects, Bureau Manciulescu ACMH mandatory, SERUE engineering, Endroits En Vert landscape designer, Présence scenographer / Pictures : Platform

The Musée du Livre is being set up on the site of the municipal library in a Dominican convent whose cloister is a listed historic monument. The aim of this prestigious project is to showcase the town’s written and built heritage, to provide pleasant, expert-ready research rooms and, over the long term, to ensure optimal conditions for conserving all of the town’s ever-growing collection of books. The new facility will also host a broad range of audiences ready to experience the remarkable quality of the convent and discover its heritage value through attractive scenography. This new complex devoted to books also echoes the nearby Musée Unterlinden.#cut

Salle de recherche
Salle d’exposition
Le cloître et son jardin restitués
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