
Eco-district of 100 homes and a park

  • environments

Contracting authority : Ville de Quintin

Mission : Urban project management for an eco-neighborhood of 100 housings and a park in a heritage area

Area : 2,6 Ha

Cost : 1,1 M€ HT public spaces

Calendar : 2019 – 2025

Team : ATELIER IRIS CHERVET mandatory, ABEIL engineering, URBAN WATER hydrology, EXPERTISE URBAINE programmation, QUARTORZE participative worksite

How to create a public garden in a rural community with few resources for maintenance?

This park recreates a rustic agricultural landscape, combining fruit orchards and flax meadows.
It highlights the topography of the hillside with low retaining walls made of gabions, which structure the landscape in continuity with older vestiges and built heritage.
Incorporating parking areas in a mix of earth and stone, the park demonstrates a realistic consideration of local transport practices, and is part of a loop of routes and everyday uses. It’s a useful landscape.
The low walls made of reclaimed stone conceal the vehicles and can be used for a variety of purposes (e.g., railings, seats, gutters).
The topographical disruptions inherited from demolished old hospital buildings are used to cradle an open-air theatre and games which lean into the slope.
The rainwater run-off follows the route of the old underground aqueduct, in a quasi-archaeological approach designed to bring the hydraulic structure of the site back to life.#cut

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Guide plan for the town centre