Guide plan for the town centre
- environments
Contracting authority : Ville de Saint-Brieuc
Mission : Guide plan for downtown public spaces
Areas : Strategy : 200Ha – Study perimeter : 55 Ha – Pilot site : 6,7 Ha.
Calendar : 2016 – 2018
The guide plan is part of an overall revitalisation project and aims to help the main principles of the urban strategy “trickle down” to the scale of the town centre: to anchor the centre of Saint-Brieuc on the land-sea axis between the train station and the port. The team decided that the scope of this study would extend beyond municipal boundaries. The guide plan for the town centre thus includes a strategy for the boundaries, fringes, and transitional and connecting spaces between the historic centre and its surroundings.
Saint-Brieuc is truly a town of landscapes. It is shaped by the powerful geography of its three valleys and its proximity to the sea, which is gradually reclaiming the port of Le Légué. The many public squares – currently used for parking– clustered within the heart of the town are a targeted challenge that combines architectural heritage, changeable sites and interstitial land to be developed. Saint-Brieuc can build on these assets to position itself as a softer alternative to metropolitan development.#cut
In the short term, the guide plan should enable the town to start work on initial priority sites in the historic centre. In the medium term, the goal is to reactivate the interface between the town centre and the surrounding countryside, particularly via a project on the banks of the Gouédic valley. In the long term, the strategy proposes to orient urban development around three central nodes: a centre near the train station, the historic centre and a port centre, connections between which are imagined in the study.
The guide plan is an evolving reference document designed as a toolkit with two points of entry – by theme and by site – for elected representatives, management departments, partners (CAUE, ADAC), residents, contractors, etc., which allowed for its uptake by the new municipal team.